
書本介紹 – Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes



雖然作者Louis Sachar的成名作是Holes系列,但這次我想講的是Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes這本書

主角Gary Boone是學校的搞笑好手(自稱),但是他無論任何時候都在說笑話,不但一堆冷場還令他在班上一點也不受歡迎。後來學校舉辦了一個才能表現,Gary自然打算以單人脫口秀參加,但是因為對自己沒有信心所以對參不參加左搖右擺,也有打算為了改變自己在班上的地位放棄搞笑。到底Gary應不應該為了融入班裡面而放棄自己的真性情?他又能不能順利完成脫口秀呢?




Do you see yourself as a jokester? Are you the guy who plays dumb, or the guy who snarks about it?

But is it alright to be a jokester at school?

Evem though the author, Louis Sachar, is probably the most famous for his “Holes" series, this time I’m going to talk about a different book also from him: Dogs Don’t Tell Jokes.

Our protagonist Gary Boone is the (self-proclaimed) jokester at school who loved to tell jokes all the time. Despite his efforts however, all that landed him was an unamused audience, and a considerable lack of friends.
One time, the school was about to host a talent contest, and Gary thought of entering as a stand-up comedian. Unfortunately, he had a hard time deciding whether to go ahead and enter, as he was uncertain about his abilities. Things certainly didn’t help when Gary started thinking that perhaps the best way to be popular at school is to stop joking around altogether.
Should Gary give up his true nature to fit in with his classmates? Would he succeed in his stand-up comedy debut?

Even though not all kids are going to be as much as a jokester as Gary, the problems he face, from stage fright to worrying about being the resident unpopular oddball, are problems that a lot of children would resonate with. This is helped by how realistic the characters and story are written, so chances are kids would be able to identify with Gary, as his experiences echo with their everyday life.

However, I also admired how the author characterizes Gary. It’s easy to paint protagonists in children’s book as misunderstood characters without their own failings, but in this book we indeed get to see how Gary’s non-stop joking affects those around him, good or bad. Throughout the story, Gary also started to understand how to read the atmosphere and to think before speaking. Although Gary managed to stay true to himself and continue his comedy routines, at the same time he still gained some character development.

If you want to read something hilarious and light-hearted in a school setting, then this book is for you.
As for whether dogs indeed don’t tell jokes? Don’t ask me, ask your pup!

Actually they don’t, they had a ruff life.

Alright never mind, that was a lame pun. My bad.


英文豆知識 – Break a leg


在戲劇組裡面,將要出場的演員經常會互相說Break a leg的


經過這麼多年,Break a leg這個說法也變成了戲劇組的傳統呢~其實還有其他的有趣傳統的,大家可以找找看喔

然後漫畫中的最後一句對白又是什麼一回事?Pulling someone’s leg其實是指說話騙他們的意思,Are you pulling my leg?就是問別人是不是在開玩笑/胡說八道
另外也可以用Are you kidding me?表達同樣意思呢
“You’re pulling my leg, right" 就是"你騙我的對吧"這個意思,就只是語氣上的分別,嗯

Inside a theatre troupe, people often tell each other to “Break a leg" before they step out on stage. Perhaps you would wonder, that can’t be right? Why would they curse each other to fall and break their legs?

Turns out back in the day, theatre groups were well-known for being superstitious, and that often spawned all sorts of rituals. To these people, it was in fact unlucky to wish each other a good performance.
So what should they say for luck then? Why, the opposite, of course! If saying something lucky turns out to be unlucky, then obviously saying something unlucky will make it lucky right? (wait what)

As the years go by, the habit of telling each other to break a leg becomes one of the traditions of theatre. If you want to, there’s more interesting theatre traditions for you to discover!

On a side note, “pulling someone’s leg" means to lie to somebody. So to ask someone “Are you pulling my leg" means “Are you trying to fool me?"
Another way to ask the same thing would be “Are you kidding me?"


書本介紹 – Give Yourself Goosebumps



不過我要介紹的不是Goosebumps的本篇系列,而且當中的Give Yourself Goosebumps系列!





想在萬聖節的時候嚇嚇自己嗎?來看Give Yourself Goosebumps,給自己雞皮疙瘩吧!

Alright, about time I finish that Halloween book intro I promised earlier!

When it comes to horror stories for kids, the Goosebump series is probably the most classic and popular of them all. Ever since the author, R.L.Stine started writing these books, the Goosebumps series opened the door of the horror genre to generations of kids worldwide. In fact, to its publisher Scholastic, Goosebumps has been one of its most bestselling children’s book series of all time.

But I’m not going to talk about the main series though, this time I’m talking about one of its sub-series, Give Yourself Goosebumps!

The stories within this series is pretty straightforward, vampires, zombies, werewolves, ghosts, aliens, mannequins…basically all the common horror elements are there. But there’s one thing that sets those books apart from your usual horror stories: The protagonist isn’t just anybody.

The protagonist is you!

That’s right, the moment you open the book you are now part of the story, and how the story unfolds depends on the decisions you make as you read. Will you make it safe and sound? Or will you meet an unfortunate end? It’s all up to you now!

Even though some of the stories may depend more on luck than your decisions, those books manage to be scary, gripping and hilarious at the same time, and the fact that you get to affect how the story goes is one of the biggest draws of the series. Unfortunately some of the story settings are probably more familiar to American kids (I still don’t get why the author keeps writing stories set in summer camps…) so other kids may have trouble imagining themselves inside the stories, but the rest shouldn’t have this problem.

Want to read some scary stories during Halloween? Check out this series and give yourself goosebumps!


書本介紹 – Stellaluna






Since it’s almost Halloween, let’s talk about a book related to bats! (Wait what kind of excuse is this)
This book is called Stellaluna, and it’s a pretty classic children’s book I daresay,

Our protagonist Stellaluna is a baby fruitbat who lived with her loving mother, but one day an owl attacked the two and Stellaluna was forced to separate from her mother. She ended up falling into a bird’s nest, where she befriended the baby birds in it. Although the birds’ mother treated Stellaluna as family, the baby bat was asked to learn from them and behave more like a bird.

Will Stellaluna reunite with her mother? Will she be able to learn how to live like a bat and a bird?

Alright I suppose this isn’t all that Halloween-related, since this book is less scary and more heartwarming. From Stellaluna’s bond with her mother to the friendship between her and the baby birds, all those are adorable interactions. When you read about the baby bat’s journey through the night in search for her mother, you can’t help but want to cheer her along the way!

Oh by the way, since this book is meant for younger children, the English level won’t be too high (at least compared to the books I’ve talked about before) so don’t worry about whether your kids will understand the words or not.

As for a book that’s actually Halloween-related? We’ll leave that for tomorrow!